Sennheiser e935 Review – Cardioid Dynamic Microphone

Sennheiser e935 is a very powerful but inexpensive handheld. It has a beautifully balanced sound and clarity of a condenser mic. On the other hand, it is quite unpretentious and works wonderfully for both female and deeper male voices. As a cardioid microphone, it sounds more natural than its supercardioid brother e945 and that is expected. What we find most striking is the level of feedback rejection – it is simply incredible… Works not only for peaceful parties, jazz clubs and karaoke – it is perfect for moderately loud stages! Especially for lead singers who don’t have to worry about the bleed (as opposed to back vocalists).

Sound & quality

Sennheiser e935 has a well-crafted frequency pattern with a reasonable presence boost and decent bass roll off, at the same time there is no sudden bumps – the gentle transition makes it sound very natural. This mic has an optimal balance of brightness, which is so crucial for live performance, so it easily cuts through the mix, and yet you won’t hear a pinch of harshness that of the condensers. Indeed, e935 sounds rather smooth, though still offering a good transient response it retains a great amount of detail and clarity! In a side-by-side comparison, for instance, SM58 would sound markedly slurred and muffled.

Design and build

sennheiser_e935Weighing 330 grams, it is slightly heavier than SM58 as well as a bit longer. The mic has a solid, rugged metal design with a good feel and it appears to be quite very durable. E935 is an unpretentious mic that can work in different weather conditions and it proves to be a reliable workhorse onstage. In case that something goes wrong, Sennheiser backs it up with a 10-year warranty. Apart from being extremely resistant to feedback, a humbucking coil assures cancellation of interference, whereas the shock-resistant capsule mounting also does well at minimizing the handling noise.

Who should use it?

Even though we do admit for the most part that mics have to be chosen individually, out of all Sennheisers models, e935 is probably the most successful – it has the sweet spot, it is easy to work with and it works for everyone! Doesn’t matter whether you are a high-pitched female singer, a bassy baritone, tenor or whether you are buying it for your 10-year-old kid, this mic can still give you an amazing performance. As for our ears – we can’t find any flaws and even in terms of price, it is more than affordable. Virtually, this would be an invaluable tool for any musician on stage.


  • This mic produces smooth and natural sound.
  • It has a nice amount of detail and gives you very intelligible lyrics.
  • Offers a good balance of brightness that makes it easy to cut through, i.e. put your voice ahead of the instruments without sounding harsh or tiresome for the ears.
  • Performers find that they can hear themselves clearly while singing at their natural volumes. In other words, with this mic you won’t have to strain your voice in order to be heard.
  • Suitable for all kinds of (male, female and even children) voices.
  • Despite featuring a natural cardioid pickup pattern, this model is extremely resistant to feedback.
  • The mic is quite durable and has a nice solid feel.
  • Very affordable, easily beats more expensive units!

No disadvantages

Best Price on Sennheiser e935 Microphone
Review score
  • Outstanding! - 9.6/10


  • John Mcgrath

    The best mic there iS, well done sennheiser

  • James Young

    Does the Senn 935 need Phantom Power ? I was told it does . I’m using a pair of powered Yamaha dbr speakers each with 350w cont…..with 700 w peak . If i need power for the mic, what do you suggest and how much ?

  • Julio

    Wich is the best for live situation (worship), Sennheiser e935, e945 or beta 87a?

  • Over the years I’ve used various vocal mics according to the style of music I was playing and the complexity of the gear for the gig. My go to has always been a Shure SM58,
    until of late when I try not to push my vocals too hard I transitioned to a ShureBeta58. We recently worked a show that had a house system and the sound guy suggested a Sennheiser e935 as he was having a hard time getting my vocals out front. I was amazed listening
    to the recorded live feed and also the volume levels in the monitors without any feedback I did require a slight bit of compression but not so much as to make the vocals mushy or flabby. I purchased a Sennheiser e935 yesterday to use on my rig. Thanks!

  • mike slee

    I’ve used a number of vocal mics since 1976. I read the details about the E935, thought I would give it a try. Simply Amazing! It gives my voice a much fuller, rich sound that I’ve been at a loss to find, until now. I truly feel like I’m giving a more professional live performance than ever!. Great price, great mic! If you haven’t yet tried one of these, you owe it to yourself to do so!

  • Simone

    Hi guys and gals
    I’m a lead singer in a 10 piece modern funk band and have been advised that the sm58 just doesn’t cut it – I have huge dynamics and range and its clipping me off (apparently) I can’t see the 935 would be any different – or am I just being sentimental? On stage we are bunched together so the brass section could be being Ickes up I suppose… I’m feeling spooky that I don’t know enough..

    • Peter

      SM58 has lots of issues. It certainly begs for an upgrade, and the E935 is a huge one. It is also a safe buy because it easily suits almost every single performer.
      For back vocalists in your case it’s important to use supercardioid mics. When placed very close to each other this will help to reduce bleed.

  • Marc

    Hi !
    I’m a lead singer in a classic rock band .I have a sm 58 and recently tried a beta 58. Im looking for something better .I have custom in ear monitor of very good quality (westone )and use them in practice and live. I think of senheiser e 935 or condenser mic like (Shure KSM 9 or neumann KMS104)
    Do you have any mic to suggest. ? Thanks

    • Peter

      If you want studio quality then go KSM 9. You can also switch patterns for different venues. It may need a bit more space to breathe but unless you are recording, e935 could be more practical for everyday use and is definitely more rugged. Beta 58 offers excellent GBF especially for the price, however many vocalists find it too bright and harsh compared to Sennheiser.

  • malcolm archer

    I have tried most of the mics mentioned on this site and my views are based on using the mic for vocals rather than acoustic instrument. I was very disappointed with the Sure SM58 … considering all the hype around it! I felt that the sound was coloured and muddy. The Beta 58 is a definite improvement. However, if you are after clarity and naturalness the Sennheisers are streets above similar costing Sures. I’ve gone for the Senn e935, which will suit most situations. The more directional e945 would suit your situation Simone, where you could cut out all the local noise.

  • I have used the EV dynamic for years and it finally died.. I was going to get the same mic because I know it. I have a powerful rich voice and pull the mic back when belting, but am a very dynamic singer going from a whisper to a belt . I like a mic that will give me a round bottom but will cut through nicely without being muddy and not thin out in the higher belt. What do you suggest? Thank you

  • BFree

    I’m a newbie to all this. Nobody talks about the cables. I would think a quality of the cable would effect the sound which brands of cable do you suggest?

    In addition, I would love your input. I was thinking of settling on the Sennheiser e935 Vocal Dynamic Microphone with a TC-Helicon VoiceSolo FX150 as a Karaoke type setup so I may sing for nursing homes, small church groups and weddings. My goal is to set up and break down quickly it be extremely light to carry and a few pieces a possible while getting as close to a professional sound as possible on a budget. I thought of using BOSE and blue-tooth off my phone but I couldn’t figure how to incorporate a mic.
    Also, any suggestion on how to get prerecorded music into the system so I could sing. Also where to buy Accompaniment music. a mic.

    • dj reinholz

      I use a Xeny mixer, to incorporate my tablet and self powered portable speaker. just mix and match cables and you are good to go. Oh, and I used an akg d-5, would definitely like to update to the sennheiser 935.

    • Joe Smith

      Differences in cable quality are slim to none; don’t buy into that.

      I agree w/the author on the 935 (I opt for the 835, which is also excellent, and the isK ISDM, which an insanely great buy at $60 and equals or beats mics costing double that or more).

      Love these reviews! Just wish they hadn’t quit!

  • I manager two young female alt rock vocalists and have used e935 for some time with great success. We are about to perform live on a simulcast event and are being asked to use Shure Beta 87s which are a different animal. Opinions?

  • Natasha

    Hi I am in a worship band and I am having difficulty with listening to myself properly most of the time even when I’m holding with the mic right up to my mouth. I use a Shure 58 mic but we also use Shure ear monitors SE 215. I’m a high mezzo soprano but still my voice just sounds so soft and low. I’m looking for a good mic which can help me have a deeper structure of my voice. Any opinions please?

    • Peter

      What you are describing seems to be an unwanted proximity effect of the mic, not a headphone issue. You should try using a different mic, Sennheiser e935 is a good option, it will give you a clearer sound, that’s for sure.

  • I am in a punk rock/alternative rock band and it seems like at every show we play, I have to project my vocals more to be heard in the mix. I can’t ever do any lower octave or quieter vocals cause they can’t be heard. I’ve used Shure mostly so would the 935 be better for this? Thank you for your time!

    • Peter

      Yes, you are referring to the mic’s ability to cut through the mix, which it does pretty well. The old Shure (SM58) indeed tends to be quieter and somewhat muddy on the lower register, so it’s a perfectly valid reason to upgrade. Sennheiser also has a higher sensitivity, so you’ll get a bit more raw volume by default.

  • Jill Schmeling

    I’m looking to purchase a microphone for my daughter in a music college. She is performing at live venues with a pop/r&b band but will most likely be performing in lots of other scenarios. The Sennheiser e935 sounds perfect for this, however she also will be recording videos on her Mac to upload to you tube, etc. Could she use the same mic or can you recommend an additional budget friendly mic that would work? Thank you for any advice you could give!

    • Peter

      She could use a USB mic, which has an advantage of being able to be plugged directly into computer. We have reviewed quite a few, so it’s worth checking the USB section. Other option is to use a USB interface with an XLR input, which may not always be as straight-forward but considering the availability of budget options today, such as Behringer, this route is certainly worth exploring. However, she will have to hold it close while making videos, that’s a thing to consider.

  • Geert Scheijgrond

    I,m Durch prorock band FOCUS FOH engineer.
    Half way our tour in the UK I,ve used e935,s on Thijs van Leer,s vocals and flute, for the first time.
    Next day I,ve ordered 2 e935,s.
    Great mic, cutting like a knife butter…!

  • Sylvia Grape

    Thanks so much for posting these excellent reviews! They helped me cement my decision to buy the Sennheiser e935. Excited to give it a spin.

  • Sucheta Sanyal

    Hey Peter, quick thank you for these reviews. Am off to try out both the e935 and e945 today. My SM58 just isn’t cutting it :(

  • Bill Massey

    I’m a radio announcer and cut my own spots here at the house in my own little studio. The Sennheiser e935 is my first choice. My voice is “bassy” and I need a mic which conveys my natural sound while at the same time boosts my treble just a bit, and with the help of a tiny bit of EQ. The Sennheiser e935 “fills the bill.” I couldn’t do without it.

  • Felix Hackenberg

    I perform outdoors at farmers markets and have been using an SM58 and would like to upgrade. Feedback has been an issue and I also I am interested in a mic that will reject traffic noise and random ambient noise such as kids screaming and noisy carts, trucks and motorcycles and conversations all around. I am thinking of the e935 or e945, but which one or some other?? I am a solo male with tenor and baritone range singing pop and folk with acoustic electric guitar and drum machine.

  • Devin Hembrock

    I purchased both the sennheiser e935 and the sure beta 87a. I’m honestly torn between the two cause I only need one. I noticed the sennheiser is a little friendlier to high notes as it seems to smooth it out a but better versus the sure beta 87a. Yet the sure beta 87a let’s me have a darker tone and does have a bit more detail. Listening back and forth from one to the other I feel stuck. My singing is similar to a mix of Amy Lee from evanescence, carrie Underwood, miley cyrus, and Adelle. So I have deep low tones and high notes. Opinions? After listening to them a million times it’s all starting to sound the same…

    • Peter

      It’s not that 87a is dark but it is supercardiod, which assumes a stronger proximity effect, so it may sound fuller for that very reason. 87a is fine if you don’t mind that bit of brittleness of a condenser, but a more proper counterpart in your comparison would be the e945, which is also supercardioid.

  • Bob

    I’m a solo acoustic using Fishman sa220. It’s time to upgrade from the 25 yr old sm58. What would be the best vocal mic for small live venues?

  • George scannelli

    I’m assuming this mic can be used for home studio recording, although it’s primarily purpose is live stage/events/ etc. I mostly use good condenser mics, but I was also told that dynamic mics also work well for recording. If anyone has any opinions/ thoughts, please let me know.

    • Peter

      Well, yes of course, if you like holding it in your hand while maintaining some focus, it’s a great dynamic mic, especially if you want to record vocals. It is just, the stage mics tend to sound brighter than for instance the broadcaster mics. The latter however also have a better sweet spot and are easier to station on a boom, shock mounts is another thing.

  • Just purchased the e945 but wondering if the e935 was the better choice? Using it for a 2 man acoustic guitar duo both singing. Playing bars and breweries mostly. Could also be using for 4 piece rock band. I am thinking in some spots the 945 could help with stage noise. Using Bose L1 system for sound. Don’t want to lose fullness and projection. Currently using BETA SM58.

  • Thanks to Peter and MicrophoneGeeks for such an insightful review and thorough reactions to the comments! I found it very helpful even here in Czechia. Wishing you all the best! Jiri

  • Winston O'Boogie

    I really appreciate these reviews. The e935 has replaced the SM58 as my Swiss army knife. One mic conspicuously missing from your reviews is the sE V7. At $99 MSRP, it has attained legendary status for punching above it’s weight class. I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on that mic and how it stacks up against mics in the $300-500 range.

  • mike

    Hello @Peter.
    We do music stile like RATM, so there is some of RAP and i am thinking, will 935 be better for me than 845s?
    I am looking for 845-s because of switch that i cant find in 935.
    do you think supercardioid will be good for moving on stage holding mic in hand with loud music?
    I alway had problem with sm58 that i cant hear myself properly.

  • Peter

    @mike I think either of them would work better, 900 series particularly. The clarity there is superior but it also comes at a higher price, and the reason you won’t find the switch on the latter is because of reliability concerns, plus the switch clicks are annoying. This is quite standard for higher grade stage mics.

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